where the bubblegum and cinnamon onslaught of endless accounting assignments meet a cynical touch of reality. round 2.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Who taught us how to forget?
Did anyone ever wonder how easily we forget the things we should reeeaaally try to remember (like that long b**** of an equation for maths or section 18.1(e)proviso paragraph 2 of that new legislation) BUT no one ever taught us how to forget...
I guess somethings just come naturally huh.
Other things like being slapped by KPMG - we'll never forget.
Ohh yes. It's war baby. Bring it.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
When you spend alot of money on something, you expect them to work.
When you pay 100 bucks (because you want to be environmentally friendly ♥!) for a rechargeable Microsoft Mouse; you expect to be able to recharge the mouse easily without needing to google for "how to recharge microsoft laser 7000 mouse". You also expect the mouse to be fully functional, especially when you are trying to deny last hits in DOTA, or when you are trying to run-the-eff-away.
You do not expect it to lag across your screen when you desperately want to highlight a size 7 "i" for your assignment; and by no means is it suppose to crash on you after just 2 hours of using it when you spent the last two nights charging it. Also, you expect to be able to scroll down a page, like you'd be able to using a cheap as mouse, only better cause you paid heaps of money for it eg your summer internship paycheck.
And, naturally when it doesn't work, you feel cheated; ripped-off. It's as if you paid good money for a ship cruise and find out you have to do the paddling. And tech service for Microsoft is located in India, and the only advice they offer you is to "just put in a battery". If I wanted to contribute to the piling amounts of battery, I would. I would have also purchased a cheaper mouse that is 60 dollars cheaper.

The nation of CHEN DON LO LOW declared war on the GREAT big four nation
They charged in without fear, swearing to destroy the evil empire.
(btw i dunno if low went, did he join in last minute?)
Chen Don Lo Low fought bravely, the battle went on for days
on the 7th day
KPMG:*BOOM HEADSHOTs"(note there is a 's' at the end)
... to be continued
(btw can someone tell me who's wreck of the day?)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Dogs life
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lord H
oki promise. last comlaw post

well after having a drink at 15 insoll avenue,
we whent to re arahi properties to well.. buy some properties
then one of Ashbury railway's train ran over me...
meanee got bullied
So i had to go to re intoduction ltd to get healed.. but apparently they only heal pigs so i got healed
so equiticorp told me from inside ppl only knows about the story of story v adnavance bank that things can come from the irregularites of the current dealing
Pascoe 's sh said something, but the director was not liable. Implied primary rule save their butt.
Brayhead... no one actually get him but o well... headshotted.. got something to do with implied authories
so lennard's and tesco supermark joined the party...
americano 's fire's fun :D
firestone tire. never let idiot drive your truck because of vicarious liability
dollars & sense.. so i can be liable for telling someone to get their parent's signature :D
and kuwait asia... everyone thinks is wrong... rationale is not consistance with it
let's all hope we pwn comlaw
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ok, since Spaghetti Man here made such a long post, I shall make a short one
To illustrate my point, please refer to the post below this one.... Spaghetti Man has absorbed so much comlaw that he can actually combined it with Snow White........ Ive just finished reading one his draft post, this ones even better... so stay tuned.
Ok, nvm.. theres been a "technical glitch" and we apologize for the inconvenience. Spaghetti Man's posts are below mine (somehow... as the one directly below mine was posted AFTER this one) anyway..
As I was saying, the two posts below me illustrate how COMLAW has "gotten" into Spaghetti Man's brain and merged it with his everyday life and imagination.... Should I be concerned?
Ps. Ill be doing daily one-line complaints
comlaw brawl

I was walking down the street today, frustrated about comlaw203, it's test that weight 30%.
I bumed into this guy called Salomon, he was talking on his phone to his lawyer saying his company close down and it is not his fault. I pushed him down the hill and his worker that are striking ate him.
Then there is this plane with the logo' XXX Air Farming Ltd' crashed into the hill, I LOL at it.( well i dont want to be that sad)
Then come Gilford riding on his motorbike, trying to run over Horne, the tricky little guy.
So securitibank lended some money to him, which is arguably illegal, but then there is no element of fraud or sharp practice in it.
Savill then comes along save the day by bringing the sham test and the fraud/sharp/unconscienable test.
then everyone when to 15 insoll avenue ltd to have a beer.
And Meridian was the boss, he's so strong that he can steal my beer without me knowing.
then he summoned Baden Delvaux.
I have actual knowledge that it is so strong and i am going to die
I Willfully shutting my eyes to the obvious
Wilfully and Recklessly failing to make such inquiries as an honest and reasonable person would make 'can u not eat me'
The circumstance indicated the facts to me(the honest and reaonable person) that the Baden Delvaux is a vegeterian :D
Well then Meridian as i said, is strong so he summon four other monster
the express primary rules: can use companys act and company constitution to attribute ppl attack on you.
Implied primary rules: the unanimously assent of shareholder can gang up on you.
And also the general rules of attribution with it 2 main sons(there heaps more) agency law and vicarious liability in tort.
lastly the special rules of attribution rules attribution, which pretti much can interpreting anything anyways it wants...
i was facing against the 4 monster. but i had no fear, i said 'well tell me about yourself and each other, how do u affect each other'
Their head exploded.

well after inspired by sniffle post, and after hours of comlaw... this is what you will write.
Case: Witch Co, the company producing all the poison apple to fulfill the need of snow white to be poisoned. Due to the negligence of the mirror(an employee and shareholder and director), has produce a series of apple that is not poisoned. Soon after the witch used one of these to poison snow and white and well, obviously failed. Advise the witch as to her position with the company, can she find the mirror personally liable? Also she had paid for 1000 more of the poisoned apple, the company's constitution expressed stated that 'poisoned item cannot be traded at quantities over 100 '
under section 15 of the companies act 1993, it is stated that a company has a separate legal personality. And it is separate from its shareholders. So in that sense, it is unlikely that the witch can find the mirror personally liable.
normally a compnay will the capacity to do pretty much everything, stated in section 16(1) of the companies act, however in 16(2) it allows the company to restrict it own capacity by the constitution which is the case now. However in section 17(1) and 18(1a) expressly stated that even though a company constitution has not be comply with, it does not deem the contract invalid, it is likely that the witch co will still have to delievery the 1000 poison apply at the end of the day. The only way the company can argue it way out is that in proviso of section 18 of the company act, it stated that if the person is ought to have or has knowledge of the situtation by the virtue of his or her position with the company. This is highly argueable as the witch have the mirror, which tell her about pretty much everything in the world(eg. the prettiest girl in the kingdom) Note that merely because the witch co 's constitution in the far far away register / a copy is available for inspection at the witch co doesn't deem the witch have the knowledge of the situation.
Rather can the mirror be held personally liable depends on the actual purpose of the company. We have to apply tests to determine to lift the corporate veil. The first test arise from the Savill v Chase Holding ltd, we have to see is there element of fraud or sharp practise or where it would be unconscionable. This case, there is no fraud as the company is not set up to sell fake poisonous apple, neither there is element of sharp practice, as it is just doing what it is suppose to do. Unconscionable action does not exist in this case as they are just merely business man trying to sell poisonous apple. The other test will be the sham test, such test were applied in the case Gilford motor co. Ltd v horne, it is to test whether the company is just a mere sham to avoid liability. in this case, witch co is not a mere sham, it is with the true intention to poison the general public.
Case: Witch Co, the company producing all the poison apple to fulfill the need of snow white to be poisoned. Due to the negligence of the mirror(an employee and shareholder and director), has produce a series of apple that is not poisoned. Soon after the witch used one of these to poison snow and white and well, obviously failed. Advise the witch as to her position with the company, can she find the mirror personally liable? Also she had paid for 1000 more of the poisoned apple, the company's constitution expressed stated that 'poisoned item cannot be traded at quantities over 100 '
under section 15 of the companies act 1993, it is stated that a company has a separate legal personality. And it is separate from its shareholders. So in that sense, it is unlikely that the witch can find the mirror personally liable.
normally a compnay will the capacity to do pretty much everything, stated in section 16(1) of the companies act, however in 16(2) it allows the company to restrict it own capacity by the constitution which is the case now. However in section 17(1) and 18(1a) expressly stated that even though a company constitution has not be comply with, it does not deem the contract invalid, it is likely that the witch co will still have to delievery the 1000 poison apply at the end of the day. The only way the company can argue it way out is that in proviso of section 18 of the company act, it stated that if the person is ought to have or has knowledge of the situtation by the virtue of his or her position with the company. This is highly argueable as the witch have the mirror, which tell her about pretty much everything in the world(eg. the prettiest girl in the kingdom) Note that merely because the witch co 's constitution in the far far away register / a copy is available for inspection at the witch co doesn't deem the witch have the knowledge of the situation.
Rather can the mirror be held personally liable depends on the actual purpose of the company. We have to apply tests to determine to lift the corporate veil. The first test arise from the Savill v Chase Holding ltd, we have to see is there element of fraud or sharp practise or where it would be unconscionable. This case, there is no fraud as the company is not set up to sell fake poisonous apple, neither there is element of sharp practice, as it is just doing what it is suppose to do. Unconscionable action does not exist in this case as they are just merely business man trying to sell poisonous apple. The other test will be the sham test, such test were applied in the case Gilford motor co. Ltd v horne, it is to test whether the company is just a mere sham to avoid liability. in this case, witch co is not a mere sham, it is with the true intention to poison the general public.
Ok I can't be stuffed carrying this on... comlaw totally took over the other space that the witch co was occupying in my brain. Now i am left with comlaw in my brain...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"Life is full of flirting and teasing"
There was this time before my birthday, around 2 years ago, my uncle asked me to go downstairs where I found him sitting at the dining table with a new camera bag sitting there. He sat me down and asked me if I like it, I said I do. He asked if I want it, I said I do. He then said
"It's not for you."
He's the type to pull jokes like that but he eventually pulled out my actual birthday pressent and gave it to me :)
Perhaps it is our elevated expectations that leave our hopes dangling on a string, only to freefall later thanks to the weight of reality. There are times when we believed, with all our hearts and hoped, with all our souls that THIS time, it will be different; this time, it won't hurt to have a little faith; this time, I won't be let down.
I guess it's not so wrong to succumb to the tempations of that ever so deliciously red apple. Maybe this time the apple isn't poisoned. Who cares it's the evil witch with warts that hands it over?
Snow white got a kiss from prince charming for taking that chance. Go figure.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Here I am, sitting in the basement of the building waiting for my lecture. While waiting, Im going through all the deadlines + tests that Ive got coming up over the next week or so.
Ive got an assignment due tomorrow, a mid-term test on Friday, another assignment due next Tuesday, another mid-term test next Wednesday (or is it Thursday..), ANNDDDD another assignment due next Thursday...
Crap.. I just realised that Ill have an assignment and a mid-term on the same bloody day... Oh dear......
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Endorphins make you happy. Stress doesn't.
5 hours in a row tomorrow.
Can someone please explain how my 2hour cruisy fridays suddenly grew into a 5hour lecture/tutorial marathon?
"You brought it onto yourself fool"
It sucks how much our lives are regulated by university. By regulated I mean running to class while trying to munch on a sandwich or forgetting how many lectures you've attended that day during the middle of law of attribution lecture(or was it authority?)
Please just tell me this is worth it because I forgot the time I said loss of sanity is what I wanted to get out of university. I'm sure it's in the fine prints of our enrollment forms.
Is this all that there is to our life? Is this what we've waited for during all those years of college? COME OOOOOOOOOONN. Grunt.
The Final Countdown.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
LOL- uni life
HERE i am 11:07pm, having to wake up at 6:45 tomorrow...
sigh sigh sigh.............
sigh sigh sigh..................
sigh sigh sigh...............
sigh sigh sigh.............
sigh sigh sigh..................
sigh sigh sigh...............
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
ride on, shooting star.
In the spirit of one line posts, here I am too.
So its currently 1.49 am and i'm burning the midnight oil to finish off a written assignment due at 10am tomorrow.
Okay. So i've finally done now. Currently procrastinating going to sleep because I cannot be bothered to brush my teeth. Early mornings are never going to agree with me.
So much for my one line.
Welcome to our new colleague and partner in crime here at the great complaints, the Spaghetti man! (did I spell your name right? lol.)
So its currently 1.49 am and i'm burning the midnight oil to finish off a written assignment due at 10am tomorrow.
Okay. So i've finally done now. Currently procrastinating going to sleep because I cannot be bothered to brush my teeth. Early mornings are never going to agree with me.
So much for my one line.
Welcome to our new colleague and partner in crime here at the great complaints, the Spaghetti man! (did I spell your name right? lol.)
Monday, March 16, 2009
"Oh yeah. I'll fishslap him for you sweetie. With a big fish. A whale."
One line post for the day?
Thank god for friends. And my neighbour who writes to me. They keep me sane.
Thank god for friends. And my neighbour who writes to me. They keep me sane.
27th March
Whats up with that date.... EVERYTHING is happening on that date........ UNI SUCKSSSS
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Another member to the Great complaints~ The spaghetti man- A humble University student
As a university second year, life is pretty packed. Work don't seems to ever stop.
Assignments and tests just keep on coming... And I have recently discovered that all this extra workload has HUGE impact on a normal healthy Human being.
1. Serious short term memories lost: Everyone forgets where they put the pen once in a while,but due to the fact that my mind is preoccupied with (Ultra Vires, company, Statement of Comprehensive income, intergration by parts, implicit differentiation... the list goes on, and they are like virus in your computer, sucking up ur RAM like crazy) The result is that, let's say you need to go to pee now, but then due to the lack of RAM in your brain, the command is soon forgotten. Only when you are about to brust, you will remember that you want to go.
2. LAGGING : People start to lag when they are preoccupied with all these things in their brain. What usually take you one hour to do can easily become a four hours task.(this post took me 4 hours)
3.Procrastination: here i am blogging when i should be slaving away to finish the accounting assignment.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
First step is the hardest

Dear loyal readers, subscribers and fellow bloggers:
This blog was founded on all the unfortunate events that happen to us during our everyday lives. It could be missing your bus, a bug flying into your ear or something bigger like being hit by a car. We might seem like babies whining and crying about things, but to me, in the process of finding that new pain-in-the-ass thing to write about, I realise that there are so much more for me to be happy about.
This blog is for anyone out there who can relate to our stories and can have a laugh about it with us, for those who have experienced the annoyance and the pain, but most importantly this blog is for those that know better than to let something ruin their day.
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Thank you readers for your support
Thank my fellow bloggers for the friendship - you guys make those (almost suicidal) stressful uni days just that much more bearable :)
hurrah for 1k.

Hello dear readers and fellow complainers,
Well, this is a bit of a deviation from the usual theme on this blog.
But! I am officially quite proud to say that wernhasnotoothpaste, aka, "the great complaints", has officially hit its 1000 views mark as of last night ( - we were all too lazy to blog about it then lol.).
So anyways, just a little shout out of thanks to all of our readers. If you are a follower/recurring reader of this blog, double thanks :)
And yeah, I think that's about it. The others (including JW!) will have something to say, i'm sure. Hopefully we can hit our 2k page views anniversary soon. So until then, keep coming back!
Peace out,
(credits: wern for the pic)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
procrastination is good for the soul every once in awhile.

millhouse has officially died. Study has already got the better of him in the paranoia which was inevitably due to follow the start of the new semester. Plus the announcement of test dates, the first of which is only a little over 2 weeks away. The announcement of tests already was probably the final killing blow. He should really currently be working on something constructive, such as tidying up the mess which somewhat resembles the beginnings of his stats assignment. Or completing applications in the hopes of adding to his level of work experience. Or, well, cleaning his room, because the spiders are angry. Hmm.
Also, he is writing in the third person for reasons unknown even to him. And no, he is not under the influence of any illicit substances because he would much rather watch popcorn cooking.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
It's over. wahh.
There has never been a better time to put a stop to time -before all the assignments, reports, tests, exams, tutorials, lectures come rolling in like a tsunami.
Times like this, it's almost like you don't know whether to run or swim. If you run, the water will still get you no matter how fast you can run. If you swim, the water hasn't even hit you yet (in the meantime, you can stare at the MASSIVE wave coming at you) but when gravity finally pulls it down, you don't even know if you can float - let alone swim. This metaphor for the start of second year university might seem a bit outrageous, but I can tell you a 4month holiday that passes by in the blink of an eye - THAT is outrageous.
I guess they're right when they said that time flies when you're having fun.
Goodbye summer holiday.
Hello brain-proding, sleep-depriving, stress-inducing, time-consuming, competition-filled, boredom-oozing semester 1 of 2009.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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