Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to uni

Mmmmm back to uni tomorrow... which means Im one more step closer to the big holiday! Yussss.....

However.. being back to uni also means Im one step closer to the final exams... o man..
Being who i am, I cant motivate myself (aka: can't be arsed) enough to actually start studying which is quite a worry, looking at my recent results...

Anyways... these buggers (ie; my co-writers) must be having a good time since they have nothing to actually complain about.... lets hope they will when uni starts again..

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mid-semester "break"

Holiday time.... NOT....

I really see no reason why they call it "mid-semester break" when (for me) there are 2 tests and ANOTHER mgmt essay coming up after it...It really should just be called "Get ready ppl, tests and assignments coming up!" I mean... ive got friends doing BA that has 4 assignments and another test coming right after the break...

How can they expect us to take a "break" when we're faced with so much s** straight after it..

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Maaan, infosys is a pain. It's so general that it's hard to tell what it's about or where they're going with it. From what i've pieced together so far, infosys is short for information systems lol. So its about computers and how businesses use them. I think. Hence, I thought the above was appropriate lol. Aanyways, it's halfway through the semester already. Im starting to feel some semblance of guilt because i've done a combination of just sleep and eat during every infosys lecture so far lol. I suppose that doesn't really help my cause either. Got an essay/ thing due on the 1st as well to hand in online. And management and econ just finished too. I'm currently sitting at my computer debating whether or not I should bother with it. In the room next to the one i'm in, which is my sisters', I can hear wafts of the most incendiary s&*t coming through the walls. It's terrible how a lot of radio stations play mostly crappy music these days. This is one of them. Okay, i've wasted enough time already. Time to start hacking away at infosys now. Ohhh bugger.

[Oh, and by the way. I got the pic through google image search, which led me to this blog Funny Pics | Funny Animal | Funny Jokes which got it from another site I think, which you can see by clicking that link. Okay, bye bye for real now.]

[I'd better post something about now lol. Q-man is peer pressuring me into it. XD]

Hey hey, let's start a revolution!
So here's the plan. we'll get as many people as possible to accidentally bring yellow pages telephone books on our next accounting tutorial. :D Trying to make a statement? Who knows. Personally, I just want to see the look on the tutor's face if she notices. But that's up to every man, woman and child for themself. Okay, so that's one of the most idiotic plans to be devised on the face of the planet. But honestly. Look at the size of that beast. Measuring in at approximately 21 x 30 x 4cm (width x height x thickness) and weighing in at approximately 1.5kg (yes, I weighed it on my bathroom footscale), this is one thing you can't miss. As Q-man previously mentioned, we carry it around for 6 hours a day, 3 days a week, not including bus time. The fact the cover of it is yellow too doesn't help.

I accidentally dropped the thing, and the fall didn't even put a dent on it. Honestly. Built like a tank.
Yeah...I think i'll get started on this week's assignment now.

**pics to be uploaded later. when I can be bothered to upload them from my phone lol.**
***bah. in the end i just settled for the above makeshift pic lol. because i was too lazy to upload the pics from my phone. i love paint.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Constant mumbling...

Mumbling: "To utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth"

People in lectures just cant seem to shut up..... I can stand people talking up to a certain point but I mean... constant mumbling is just.... bloody annoying...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

[Im currently eating some super roasty toaty, slightly burnt pizza while I type with one hand. Man this pic makes my problems look miniscule in comparison lol.]

Travelling downtown is starting to get pretty ridiculous. This morning I looked at myself in the mirror and decided my beard could do with a bit of a trim. I look at the time and I can either catch the bus which is about to come by in a couple of minutes, or just take it easy and catch the later bus. So I go with the side of personal hygiene for once and shave. Anyways, when I was on my way downtown a bit later, it turns out there was a jam. Baaad, bad jam. It took me 1 hour to travel a distance spanning approximately 5km. Due to roadworks. On the highway. At 8.55 am in rush hour traffic. Who starts roadworks in morning rush-hour traffic?! It's not even the fault of the bus being slow either. I ended up managing to catch the last 10 minutes of my accounting lecture at 10.40. Didn't miss anything important though. Well, I hope not lol.

Honestly, on the one day of the month (okay okay, fort-month to be more accurate) that I decide to shave, I think the world just decided to try and spite me for the fun of it. Moral of the story? When it comes down to shaving or catching the bus, catch the bus guys...

Monday, August 18, 2008

The accounting lectures are really starting to get to me. The guy we have currently is pretty monotonous. would be fun if our high school accounting teachers kidnapped him and hijacked his position instead... :/

Today, it was like synchronized sleeping in the row I was sitting in. Man, that could be like an olympic event. I conked out for a moment in it; started dreaming that I was in an x-wing from star wars. The only difference is that instead of shooting lasers, it was shooting chopsticks at enemies instead. Was pretty cool if only for a short few moments, 'till I got woken up by a friend's subtle punch. Well, that's my rant out for tonight. Still chipping away at the ends of that management essay from a few nights ago. Last paragraph! Just gotta finalise all the referencing after that....which will need one day to do lol...

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Known to some as the elevator, to some as the lift. It is the invention that is bugging me at the moment. Ive been trying to hold back and not make this complaint as it is likely to reveal which uni we go to (eventhough some of you would have already discovered that by now).

Alright, on to the complaint... the elevator/lift at the ___ school building (supposedly state-of-the-art) just takes soo long to actually close the doors.... Ive heard from someone that it is designed with the disabled/handicapped in mind, which is understandable but I mean.. with the ___ school being so busy all the time theres bound be someone around to actually hold the "<>" button for them.

What happens if your running late and really needs to get up to the 2nd/3rd etc floors really quickly? Again, due to the "state-of-the-art" design of the building, there are no stairs that links the 1st to the 2nd floor (except from the one outside the building itself) which will enable ppl
running late to run up the stairs.

*Forgot to actually quote a conversation I had with Millhouse earlier
-Millhouse says (11:43 p.m.):another improvement is that they could at least used a sexier voice to enhance user satisfaction of the lift

-Wern says (11:43 p.m.): lol

-Millhouse says (11:43 p.m.): y'know, have a sultry voice go "ooooh, push my buttons" instead of "...level. four..."

-Millhouse says (11:43 p.m.): **sultry female voice


New member

Alright, we have got a new member, JW. This guy's soo bloody good at everything that its hard to comprehend...and Im sure he has lots n lots of things to complain about....

Stay tune for JW's first complaint!

Friday, August 15, 2008

damn management.

Whoaa, i'm beginning to feel the burn for the upcoming week. Uni starting to put on the pressure with an essay for management due shortly after the upcoming week. It's a bit worrying, because it seems like my essay writing style is starting to sound like a blog post lol. Ohh if life was only as simple and straightforward as a kirby game. Currently 700 words into it and battling a bout of writer's cramp. It's kind of ironic how I can keep on vomiting out blog posts like this, but I can't sit my ass down long enough to write out a 300 word paragraph. Hmm, I suppose listening to Utada Hikaru cranked through my speakers probably isn't going to help too much either. At least it sounds good though. If anyone has a huge knowledge of Fayol's principles and is feeling extremely philanthropic, please leave a mess.! I have a monumental dislike for writing things when you're given the topic and a set style to write it in. Anyways, we've got an econ test right after that too. Nuts. Unfortuantely, i've been more lazy than usual this semester, so its gonna be pretty hectic with the cram time this weekend. Sheesh, five weeks into the semester and it still feels like i'm just out of holidays. Anyways, that's my rant out for now. Time to start hacking away at that damn essay. After the ice cream break. Peace out. :D

[Oh, and for referencing's sake, i've been getting the chibis from here: - this whole essay processes thing is really starting to get to me...]

The Phone book

The accounting text book... many of you would have had the experience of carrying textbooks around university... well.... mines no different,.. except that the books that Ive got to carry around is the same size as those of phone books.... (thats roughly around 2inches, or 5cm). Thats freaken heavy.... imagine carrying those around all day.

See, carrying just the accounting text book alone isnt that horrible.... but take in to consideration of other books that you might have to carry around..... Add all those up and youll end up carrying nearly 20kg.... (u know, books, refills, drink bottles, wallet, keys etc etc.)

Surely, carrying this type of load everyday cant be good for your back...

Man, is it just me, or is having to wake up early on a chilly morning because you have to take a pee one of the most terrible things in the world... :/

Thursday, August 14, 2008

re: the b*^%$^&g continues

wern. you forgot to mention. 11 pages of nothing but pure frst year accounting work for 1% of our grade. LOL. (and this goes on for 10 weeks too). totally insane maaan.
my microsoft word underlined the "Fayol" in Henri Fayol with red.

Its a sign i tell ya.

The b**ing continues

Since its the first day there's alot to complain that Im done b**ing about management (for the moment) lets go on to Accounting (Acctg).

Right, Acctg.... this weeks' assignment was roughly about 11 pages and consisted of 15 general journals, 18 ledger accounts, 3 trial balances (unadjusted, adjusted AND post entry), income statement, retained earnings calculations and lastly, balance sheet.... PLUS answering questions on ____ financial report (which wasnt soo bad).

For those who have accoutings experience will know how time consuming and irratitaing it is so actually prepare all those general journals and trial balances and statements..... To add on to my suffering would be my extreme handwriting and neatness (can be compared to those of 5yr olds).

I think that would be my b**ing for the day :D (I hope)

noob blog

If i started complaining you wouldn't hear the end of it.

I have 2 fat textbooks infront of me, with the management coursebook stacked on the top flipped open to the "grading descriptors" page. At the moment, this 15% essay isn't looking too friendly with the little amount of resources i have and the vast amount of work i still have to do.
*winge winge*

I like to complain. So do these other two. Join us on nightline next.
Over and out.

Fayol's plague

Alrighty Im not much of a blogger or even a writer so bare with my grammatic errors here. To start off, I shall quote Millhouse ""50 years after he's died, he's still plaguing the world with his management theories". Millhouse is referring to "Henry Fayol" and his 14 theories which is sooo freaken troublesome to actually talk about, not to mention writing an essay on how these theories stil apply today... (mind you, they stil do in some companies, lol).

*correction, it should actually be "78 years after he's died..."
(Thanks Millhouse....--__--)

hey hey, day 1.

Alrighty, new blog, new writers.
Welcome to "the great complaints".

It is the master plan brainchild conception from millhouse, snifflewoman/sniffle and q-man (we are still sorting out the annonymous nicknames and minor details, so changes may occur in the near future). We went through a few potential names for this blog, starting with "wern complains. and i get the blame. again." but anyways, here it is! Currently I have dictator-like power here. Well, as much power you can have over a blog, but that's 'till the other two sign in and do their intros. :P

Err...what else...
Oh, yeah, we came up with the idea for this while struggling through the planning stages of our management essays, and this was sort of an offspring of our complaints about stupid assignments, projects, and just stress in general among other things. Procrastination. I love it. It's a place for all of us uni students and whoever else wants to join, to come and band together and complain. Man I have too much free time.

More writers to come possibly. A lot more complaining to come for sure. Keep checking this space! Okay...back to the drawing board for management...