Maaan, infosys is a pain. It's so general that it's hard to tell what it's about or where they're going with it. From what i've pieced together so far, infosys is short for information systems lol. So its about computers and how businesses use them. I think. Hence, I thought the above was appropriate lol. Aanyways, it's halfway through the semester already. Im starting to feel some semblance of guilt because i've done a combination of just sleep and eat during every infosys lecture so far lol. I suppose that doesn't really help my cause either. Got an essay/ thing due on the 1st as well to hand in online. And management and econ just finished too. I'm currently sitting at my computer debating whether or not I should bother with it. In the room next to the one i'm in, which is my sisters', I can hear wafts of the most incendiary s&*t coming through the walls. It's terrible how a lot of radio stations play mostly crappy music these days. This is one of them. Okay, i've wasted enough time already. Time to start hacking away at infosys now. Ohhh bugger.
[Oh, and by the way. I got the pic through google image search, which led me to this blog Funny Pics | Funny Animal | Funny Jokes which got it from another site I think, which you can see by clicking that link. Okay, bye bye for real now.]
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